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Whether you are seeking to experience greater body consciousness or simply to enjoy your own sensual journey, I welcome you into my vision of Nuru beauty.

As your Nuru partner it will be my honor to teach you how to open your heart to new possibilities, awakening sensual energy and inviting the playful child within you that desires to be adored!  I have devoted myself to sharing all that I have humbly learned with you.

Energy is the living experience and study of our true nature. It is my loving intention to elevate your awareness and focus your life-force energy (qi) to ultimately enhance every aspect of your life. The world, particularly now, is filled with the toxic energy of anxiety, pain, worry, anger, doubt and fear.

Our sessions will work towards shining the pure light of love and truth to the core of your being so strongly that those lower vibration emotions will all but dissolve and heal. In the realm of higher consciousness, there is only one of us in the room and therefore nothing to divide our equal energy into anything else but love and nourishment.


Nature & Energy combined can be used to explain our natural sexual instincts. Getting in touch with this basic primal force provides a vehicle towards realizing our greater selves. It is the medium so to speak towards deeper clarity and awareness of our true nature.


I am happy to help you manifest all your desires! Let me take you on a journey of the senses to ignite your sexuality, renew your passions for life, and tap into your creative source, while nourishing your mind, body, and soul.  


Alexa is Available in Melbourne by appointment only -  by Texting 


Just mention you would like to book with Alexa

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